
The Church

Your unique gift can add great value to the lives of fellow members and friends. From missions to music…carpentry to crocheting…finance to Facebook…you can find your “perfect fit” right here. Below are just a few of the opportunities that you have to serve.



Music ministries provide beautiful, inspirational music for our worship services, as well as fellowship and spiritual growth for those involved. To learn more about our renowned music programs, go to Connect - Music.

Communion Stewards

Our church observes communion on the first Sunday every month.  The Communion Stewards are a group of people who prepare the elements and assist the pastor.  As a Communion Steward, your individual participation would be required perhaps twice a year.


Greeters are responsible for greeting the congregants as they enter the sanctuary, handing out bulletins, helping newcomers find their way and generally making everyone feel welcome.


Liturgists help the pastor lead the congregation in some elements of the morning worship, which can include the opening prayer, a prayer of confession, reading scripture, and occasionally the Affirmation of Faith.


Ushers make sure that the sanctuary is ready for worship each Sunday morning, and provide assistance as needed to the people who come to worship.

Christian Education

Sunday School Teachers

Sunday School teachers perform the critical role of teaching our children (pre-school through grade 12) about God and how to live as followers of Jesus Christ.

Family Life

The Family Life Team is comprises people who work to be sure that Christian family life is lifted up and promoted in our church.

Youth Group Leaders

These dedicated adults provide our youth, teens, and their friends a safe, fun opportunity for Christian fellowship in age-appropriate groups. At every age level, the goals are the same: to have fun, to serve each other and God, and to grow in faith and in our relationship with Christ.

Reaching Out

Community Outreach Committee

The United Methodist Church of Westford (UNCW) is committed to reaching out for the good of others and the goodness of God. In this spirit, the new Community Outreach Committee was chartered to work with civic organizations and the community-at-large in raising awareness of UMCW. In carrying out this mission, the team will improve community knowledge, and establish and increase outreach participation.


To learn more about our very active external service programs, go to “In the Community” and “In the World” for a comprehensive view.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministry is a program through which members of this church are trained and organized to help provide Christian care-giving to members of our congregation and community. This is a lay ministry that doesn't take the place of pastoral ministry, but is a wonderful extension of trained and organized support for people experiencing divorce, grief, a terminal illness, loss of a job, relocation, an empty nest, retirement, hospitalization, loneliness, and many other stresses or challenges. Stephen Ministry is based on the idea that all Christians are ministers.

Making Connections

This dedicated group of people actively reaches out to those who visit our church and helps them develop connections to our church family. They also work to help all members connect to each other with friendship and Christian love.

Communications Committee

The Communications Committee employs a number of medias to spread the Word about The United Methodist Church of Westford, its vibrant church life, and all that we have to offer to the surrounding communities and beyond. This includes the Web, Lowell Sun, Westford Eagle, and Social Media.

Membership Care

Prayer Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to pray for each other and for our church, celebrating God’s many blessings and lifting up the concerns of our hearts to God.

Prayer Shawls

Prayer shawls provide comfort to those who are seriously ill or who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Shawls are knitted by volunteers and given to individuals so that they can be wrapped in God’s love as they go through extremely difficult times.

Services & Support 

Our Membership Care Ministry provides much-needed services to those who are experiencing difficulty and need a helping hand. This included meals, audio/video recording of worship services, rides, visitations, lamb ministry,and memorial services/post-funeral gatherings.


Church Council

The Church Council is made up primarily of chairpersons of the above-referenced areas of church life. Its primary objectives are to envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate our congregation’s overall ministry and mission.


This committee provides general oversight and guidance concerning the finances of the church. The members develop, implement, and maintain programs for receiving, accounting for, and disbursing funds of the congregation and its committees.

Staff-Parish Relations 

This committee is the “human resources department” which cares for both paid church staff and the congregation by ensuring that the needs of each are communicated to the other with compassion and respect.


The Technology Committee provides support for the various electronic and media systems used by the church, including audio and video systems; networking; internet access and security.


The Trustees maintain the physical property and use of the building.

Church Office Support

The purpose of church office support is to be an “office angel” who assists our office administrator and other groups/committees in the church with tasks on an as needed or regular basis.

